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Autor Thema: The foreign language-thread  (Gelesen 15686 mal)
Black Angel
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« Antworten #40 am: 18.April.2004, 18:55:18 »

I prefer the lenguage of angels but nobody will understand this.

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« Antworten #41 am: 18.April.2004, 19:07:41 »

yes, that would become a little problem *giggle*

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Wesen & Alter: The Fatal Believer
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« Antworten #42 am: 19.April.2004, 19:42:40 »

what do you mean with the language of angels??? enoch???

My slashed heart dances, and I question in vain
I just want to be alone right now

.Love Me.

.Abandon Hope.
Hija de dragón
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« Antworten #43 am: 25.April.2004, 14:31:01 »

It's the specific lenguage which I'm learning from Black Angel. It's her mother lenguage. But it have a very difficult pronounciation.
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Wesen & Alter: The Fatal Believer
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« Antworten #44 am: 27.April.2004, 20:10:28 »

could you teach me too, black angel

My slashed heart dances, and I question in vain
I just want to be alone right now

.Love Me.

.Abandon Hope.
Satu Chiyoko
« Antworten #45 am: 03.Mai.2004, 15:09:53 »

Uhm, lately, I was thinking about another job...
I was wondering if I could become a Psychologist.

While I was looking for some informations about psychical illnesses, and then I discovered I was very interested in that kind of stuff. So, I was thinking if I would be good enough to do such a job.

I asked some people, but they said 'no'. I was sad first, I even asked my grandma and my mum, and both said 'no'.

Everyone thinks I can't do such a job. But I think I can. They all say I'm not good in social things and so~ I must admitt, I'm not a friend of small talk and I barely have friends.
But the reasons for this are lieing back in my past, and it's over now. I guess, when I can got to this new school and could make some new friends. I'm really optimistic about it, 'cause my closesed friend says I'm nice. And I'm sure she's right.

They also say I don't know about how other people are feeling and what they're thinking and as a Psychologist I have to know this.

I know and I think I can perfectly do that!

It doesn't mean I can't understand other people 'cause I'm not a social person. I can think myself perfectly into other people's thinking. But nobody ever ASKED me about this stuff.
And only one time in my life I told my mum about how I thought a special someone was back then. After almost 5 or 6 years, she found out herself. I said 'I told you! But you wouldn't listen to me!' And they all just said 'Nonsense! You've never said!'

I was really shocked they wouldn't admit I knew it before. It's like a sixth sense sometimes. I'm serious about that. Usually, it's enough to see the person for one week: the I know him/her very well.

Hm, perhaps it's not a sixth sense, more a special ability, or just me analyzing people too much. I'm doing this with every person I meet in real life, but it's not even clear to me. It's working somewhere in the back of my mind, and they just 'peng' it hits me.

So... they all think I can't do the job becuase of this.
I, uhm, I'm sure they are wrong with what they think. Because at the same time my family sais this, they are always saying they don't even know me!
So how can they execute me this way?
It's not fair.
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« Antworten #46 am: 03.Mai.2004, 16:09:58 »

not fiar ? .but wha have your parents the right to tell you what to study ? ...when your are interested in something, then do it ...no work is the right one, if you are unsatisfied, even if you are paying with very high wages... the other problem however is, that you need numerus clausus and a study of nearly ten years ..it's hard ...because I also asked a psytologist, about the opportunities to raise to that job ...he seemed to reject my interest ...what a sad person he was... by the way I often hear, that psytologists mostly become one, to find out about their inner life for themselves ...I think that's really true, even it's beyond your consciousness... but if you think its your task in life to find out, how your soul is working its a nice gift besides ...but to repeat it ..when you really work hard for it and your will is really strong, I'm sure, that sometimes, you find a job in that direction ..and if not, you can still care for the old people in hospital ..where you'll ever find a job Wink

Satu Chiyoko
« Antworten #47 am: 03.Mai.2004, 16:20:46 »

I really am interested in this topic 'cause of my personla background. But as I read before, this job is not a tool to heal your own soul. Many people think this way.

I don't know what I really want to do.
Egyptology and Psychology are two topics I'm very interested in.
But what will I chose later?
I don't know yet.

I just think it's not fair they judge me this way. Why do they have this worng image of me? I can't change it, whatever I do, say.
I don't understand my parents either. All they do and say sounds so stupid to me. I don't mean to be a rebel sometimes.

While speaking about something, I tell them my opinion of it. And always, they always say it's wrong.
Since I'm thinking myself.

It makes me sick.

One of the most important things to me is my job later. I don't want to do a job I don't like. That's it. And I don't want to hear 'it's wrong' about my dreams. About my doing.
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« Antworten #48 am: 03.Mai.2004, 16:31:17 »

but ..satu.. why have your parents the decision ? ..why not you ?? ..it's your choice to decice a kind of study, isn't it ?

..right, ya... psychologie can be really dangerous and it can quickly defeat you, when you realize, that you are just a normal happy person in front of those pittyful freaks that come to you ...then, when you realize, that you can never help them, you will collapse in time... ...if you are strong enough ..try it, but if not........

Satu Chiyoko
« Antworten #49 am: 05.Mai.2004, 16:03:37 »

I don't mean just the study thing. Of course it's my decision. And hell, I won't let someone else make that choice for me.

And no matter what, my sanity won't break. Not again. It has when I younger, and it won't happen again. No, I've never met a psychologist. Let's say I cured myself.
Everyone sais I have a weak mind, but hell, I have not. Otherwise, I would be dead now. That’s the proof.

I mean my life. My life till I’m eighteen.
I’m sick of it. Children. Your childhood is meant to be one of the beat times in your life, perhaps it really should be the best. You have both parents, or just a mom and a father. But they care for you, ‘Cause they are your parents.

They should love you and all that damn stuff. They should raise you so you can have your own good live later. They should protect from everything that harms a child.

I guess my parents, both, forgot that.

I suffered badly a long time. I know it’s over now, but I can’t forget it. I can’t forget how I was threathen or how I felt.
The time really marked me, and I know I’m differnet in some things from other people at my age. I mean, I’m thinking much differenet and I’m acting so. I’m not very social, but how could I’ve get that ability anways?

My mom is still weird. It’s hard to describe our family situation, ‘cause even my best friend was surprised when I said my family is weird. She always thought they were the nicest people of the world. Hell. Nothing I do is right at the moment, but I no longer care like I did before. It’s just depressing and it still makes me sick.
This controll they still think to have other me makes me sick. I don’t speak of damn teenager problems like they all are screaming about.

I’m waiting for the day the law allows me to take my life in my own hands.
Maybe I end up in a bad situation. But, then I know it was my own doing that brought me there.
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« Antworten #50 am: 05.Mai.2004, 16:11:14 »

I ..no.. we cannot understand you, right ? ...well, it must happen much, but its good, when you become confident ...besides I only can add, that it's just a pitty, what you probably gone through...

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Wesen & Alter: The Fatal Believer
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« Antworten #51 am: 05.Mai.2004, 16:23:54 »

satu, i don't know what happend to you, but in the past i got hurt very badly...and i think (ok i can be wrong) that with the ideas and interests for a possible job you may try to cure youself too...i don't know...but thats what i did...in another way...but it was kinda the same...

My slashed heart dances, and I question in vain
I just want to be alone right now

.Love Me.

.Abandon Hope.
Satu Chiyoko
« Antworten #52 am: 07.Mai.2004, 15:22:41 »

How about a new topic?
We're free to talk about everything, so there must be something to talk about... ^^
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Wesen & Alter: The Fatal Believer
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« Antworten #53 am: 07.Mai.2004, 21:43:23 »

...ok we can do this...but the question is: which topic???

My slashed heart dances, and I question in vain
I just want to be alone right now

.Love Me.

.Abandon Hope.
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« Antworten #54 am: 13.Juli.2009, 22:55:31 »

Well, I had French in school for four years, but don't think that I still know something. Maybe only: "Je ne sais pas." xD
« Letzte Änderung: 14.Juli.2009, 21:26:38 von Kaya Ti » Gespeichert
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